What is your experience in P2P lending?I started lending on Prosper in February, 2006. My last loan was November 2007 (which was under special circumstances). I used to spend all my waking hours on the old Prosper forums which netted me the most posts (over 8000) which led to lots of media attention and the chance to speak at the Keynote speech at PD 2007. Since I believe in the community aspect, I host parties, most notable the Big Gulp Pre-Conference Party the night before Prosper Days kicks off. This year the party is sponsored by Pro$pers.org...

However I don't lend on Prosper anymore until they fix everything that is broken.
How did you end up at Prospers.org?Cause it is real here, plus it was another spot for me to spew my stuff.
Where to do you live?Silicon Valley.
What do you do? Computer related stuff, every once in a while I'll try and sell you a Drobo too.
Other Hobbies?Constantly modifying my car (C6 Vette), trying not to get caught by LEO's. Travel, and Hockey Games