Public Boards > Introductions



Hello, I'm zcommodore and I'm a Prosper addict...

Wait, is this the 12-step program or am I lost?

Seriously though, I found out about Prosper in August, 2006 and was an almost instant addict.  I am a very small-time lender and have a small group as well.  My lending and group leading have had mixed success because I believed that the community aspect of Prosper would encourage people to pay back their loans but I was wrong.  Community doesn't put money in peoples pockets.

Still, I'm very enthused about the concept of Prosper and really want to see it succeed.  However, I recently stopped lending because every time Prosper seems to show growth and improvement, they do something stupid that sets them back where they started.

I may start lending again if I see them starting to take serious steps toward profitability.  Until that time, I am on hold.  In the mean time, you can read my blog where I will update my lending status as time goes on.

so when we introduce ourselves we get a whole new topic?  Hmmmm.


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