Q2 2009 - Loss before other income: $2,617,400
Q3 2009 - Loss before other income: $2,289,092
Q4 2009 - Loss before other income: $2,868,908
Q1 2010 - Loss before other income: $2,747,524
Q2 2010 - Loss before other income: $2,787,434
Q3 2010 - Loss before other income: $2,404,217
Q4 2010 - Loss before other income: $2,566,804
Q1 2011 - Loss before other income: $3,097,283
Q2 2011 - Loss before other income: $2,837,560
Q3 2011 - Loss before other income: $2,837,290
Q4 2011 - Loss before other income: $3,519,037
Q1 2012 - Loss before other income: $4,690,488
Q2 2012 - Loss before other income: $3,545,603
Q3 2012 - Loss before other income: $4,448,773
Q4 2012 - Loss before other income: $4,764,596
Another record quarter for losses. Further and further away from profitability.
The average quarterly burn rate for 2012 was $4,362,365 which is ~43% higher than 2011's average quarterly burn rate.
At the end of 2012, Prosper had $2,300,073 in "Cash and cash equivalents" (cash and treasuries). In January 2013, they received another round of VC funding of ~$20m, so that puts Prosper at essentially $22.3million in known cash reserves.
- If 2012 Q4's burn rate was to hold constant, then Prosper would need another VC infusion in ~14 months from the end of 2012 (~Feb 2014).
- If 2013's average burn rate holds closer in line with 2012's average burn rate, then Prosper would need another VC infusion in ~15 months from the end of 2012 (~Mar 2014).
- If 2013's average burn rate is 20% higher than 2012's, then it is just ~13 months (~Jan 2014).
- If 2013's average burn rate is 30% higher than 2012's, then ~12 months (~Dec 2013).
- 40% higher average would be ~11 months.
- Prosper spent an average of ~$861k/month on salaries and benefits.
- Prosper spent an average of ~$474k/month on marketing. 30% of which was spent in Q4.
- Prosper spent an average of ~$276k/month on "Professional Services" which is primarily legal fees for the Class Action.
- Prosper spent an average of ~$110k/month on rebates and promotions.
- Prosper spent an average of ~$102k/month on facilities and maintenance.