// Prosper Loan Q&A user script // // version 1.4 - 2/16/2007 // updated by Xenon481 to work after Prosper major update on 2/11/2007 // // Version History: // ---------------- // version 1.3 // updated by ferrix to point to prospers.org // // 2006-06-20 // Copyright (C) 2006,cellardoor // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // // Original coding by Marek Karbarz, verizonad@gmail.com // Additional contributions from: // norcal_cct, BarkerJr // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // This is a Greasemonkey user script. // // To install, you need Greasemonkey: http://greasemonkey.mozdev.org/ // Then restart Firefox and revisit this script. // Under Tools, there will be a new menu item to "Install User Script". // Accept the default configuration and install. // // To uninstall, go to Tools/Manage User Scripts, // select "Prosper Loan Q&A", and click Uninstall. // // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // // ==UserScript== // @name Comment Adder For Prosper Loan Q&A // @namespace http://www.prosperlicious.com // @description Adds wiki-able Q&A to each loan listing on Prosper.com // @include http://www.prosper.com/public/lend/* // @include http://www.prosper.com/public/groups/* // @include https://www.prosper.com/public/lend/* // @include https://www.prosper.com/public/groups/* // // ==/UserScript== (function() { var addFrame = { go: function() { var listingID = window.location.href.split("=")[1]; var thisNode = document.getElementById("lblListingEndDate"); var userNode = document.getElementById("cmpReport_hlReportItem"); var groupNode = document.getElementById("pnlGroupHomeContent"); var ifrID = "wiki"; var targetNode = thisNode; var br = document.createElement("br"); var ifr = document.createElement("iframe"); ifr.id = ifrID; ifr.src = "http://prospers.org/wiki/" + listingID; ifr.style.marginTop = "5px"; ifr.style.width = "100%"; ifr.style.height = "500px"; ifr.style.display = "block"; ifr.style.visibility="visible" if (targetNode != null) { ifr.src = "http://prospers.org/wiki/" + listingID; targetNode.appendChild(br); targetNode.appendChild(ifr); } targetNode = userNode; if (targetNode != null) { ifr.src = "http://prospers.org/wiki/user_" + listingID; targetNode.appendChild(br); targetNode.appendChild(ifr); } targetNode = groupNode; if (targetNode != null) { listingID = document.getElementById("aPromoteGroup").getAttribute("href").split("=")[1]; ifr.src = "http://prospers.org/wiki/group_" + listingID; targetNode.appendChild(br); targetNode.appendChild(ifr); } } } addFrame.go(); })();