Auto Reload

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The [reload] greasemonkey script can be used to reload prosper pages on a regular basis and prevent the annoying 20 minute timeout of your login. To use this, you need to have the [[1]] extension installed for Mozilla Firefox or [[2]] for IE 6.0 (Note: I have not tested this on IE yet - user:chiieddy). All directions below assume the user is using GreaseMonkey. Users of Turnabout will have to execute the equivalent commands.

You will need to include the following site into the script by right-clicking on the monkey icon in the lower right corner of the Firefox status bar and selecting 'Manage User Scripts...'. Highlight 'Auto Reload' and select the default included site. Select 'Edit' and change the site to read "**[[3]]**". Optionally, you could select 'Add' and add "**[[4]]**" as well.

By default the auto reload script reloads every minute. As this might provide undo server load (or in my case it would result in Prosper getting blocked by my company due to bandwidth considerations), it is possible to easily edit the script. The following example increases the refresh time to every 10 minutes.

You will need to modify the script directly. This can be done through GreaseMonkey by right clicking on the monkey icon in the lower left corner of your browser and selecting 'Manage User Scripts..." Highlight the 'Auto Reload' script and select 'Edit'. You may have to browse and select an appropriate editor for you system here.

Original code line:

setTimeout(function() { document.location.reload(); } , **60000**);

To change this code to reload every 10 minutes change the bolded part to 600000:

setTimeout(function() { document.location.reload(); } , **600000**);

You can further customize this script to any refresh time that suits you. The formula to do this is:

//min * 6000//

Where //min// equals the number of minutes you wish to delay between document refreshes.