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In response to: Tooting My Own Horn
caladia [Member]
Shut up Loan Chimp!
Permalink 03/10/08 @ 14:27
In response to: Tooting My Own Horn
LoanChimp [Member]
You know what would be more impressive? If, perhaps, you had actually bid on those loans...
Permalink 03/10/08 @ 00:56
In response to: An Attempt to Explain the Prosper Forums...
Jdorfma1 [Member]
well said!
Permalink 01/04/08 @ 16:06
In response to: An Attempt to Explain the Prosper Forums...
pioneer11 [Member]
That is an excellent analogy. Good work.
Permalink 12/29/07 @ 14:29
In response to: An Attempt to Explain the Prosper Forums...
xraider [Member]
Very well said.
Permalink 12/22/07 @ 14:13
In response to: An Attempt to Explain the Prosper Forums...
zcommodore [Member]
Not another "couch analogy"... Hey, I'm glad to see you blogging again. Nice post.
Permalink 12/21/07 @ 13:21
In response to: My Prosper Anniversary
islandmele [Member]
Hi Cal! This is a wonderful blog - thanks for taking the time to write it and sharing. We joined Prosper at approximately the same time. One of these days I'll catch up to you in terms of the number of posts! *LOL* Thanks for all of your contributions to this community. You are an asset to Prosper! Happy 1 year Anniversary! I'll see you around for at least 2 more years...but hopefully more!
Permalink 06/08/07 @ 03:15
In response to: FoP: Friends of Prosper, Founders of Prosper, Formerly of Prosper, Fed Op w/ Prosper...
dvd [Member]
Oh well, those were the days - fun and more fun.
At least now we've got, uh, lots of 3+ months late loans.
- dvd
At least now we've got, uh, lots of 3+ months late loans.
- dvd
Permalink 05/08/07 @ 18:26
In response to: FoP: Friends of Prosper, Founders of Prosper, Formerly of Prosper, Fed Op w/ Prosper...
DebInVenice [Member]
I swear I was thinking about this today. For some reason, to me, we started losing that feeling of community not long after Proser Days. Certainly before black Friday. It really isn't the same.
Permalink 05/03/07 @ 18:24