AA listing on Prosper that should be HR
July 4th, 2008This loan http://www.prosper.com/lend/listing.aspx?listingID=360871
is AA on Prosper Marketplace Inc.Check out his extended credit details by signing in.The people at prospers.org have documented many Scorex flaws such as these over the past year.How many Scorex flawed loans do you have that you will never know about?
Maybe this blog post or the numerous lenders who reported it will bring it to their notice because it's obvious by his many numerous previous listings that PMI would never catch it on their own.
Scorex is a cheap scoring model that PMI uses because,well,because it's cheap.
Hey it's not like they are funding the loans anyway,right?
mygallons.com is a scam
July 3rd, 2008At http://www.prospers.org we have a forum for off topic & mygallons.com became a topic.I decided to poke around a little as i had saw the guy on tv & all of the hoopla on the news.Well,it looks like the guy is a little shady to say the least.Here's some links i found.
"Here are the problems I see with mygallons.com site.
They state:
2000 members
Soft Launch in January
Registered Domain in March
Registered company in April
Got SSL Certificate 2 weeks ago (Not possible to run credit cards without it)
Have testimonials on their site (Not possible since no site, no members and it takes 1-6 weeks to get card)
Site went live last week
Voyager, the supposed back end that runs the mygallons site says they
have no business relationship with the company and the Voyager locater
has been removed from the mygallons.com website, plus they have changed
their details and have removed the Voyager details from there site,
although for some reason, there are still some Voyager logo's still on
the site but my guess is that they will be removed sometime today."
"The founder of MyGallons has not history of effective risk management
whatsoever. Do a thorough search on Steven Verona, and you will see
he's moved from state to state over the past decade and is a patent
troll. He's 'invented' an illuminated purse light, pool cue, and sold
various clothing items online. Now he's introduced fuel hedging??
Something does not compute. Also, he originally claimed MyGallons was
supported by the US Bank/Voyager network. But when NBC 4 in Ohio
contacted Voyager, they said that Voyager has NO business relationship
with MyGallons."
Read comments including spin from mygallons support here
Prosper Lenders Retain Legal Counsel
June 24th, 2008A group of lenders finally had enough & got a lawyer involved due to repeated violations by Prosper. Prosper ignored the letter sent by the lawyer so it is now posted in public.
You can find the letter here with no registration required
100% way that Prosper can prevent ID theft
June 24th, 2008Just have the borrower notarize a one page document emailed to them & have it sent back to Prosper.
Notaries have to check the ID on someone before they will stamp it.This will stop any borrower from claiming ID theft & will serve as proof of a loan in court.
$25000 May 2008 loan already late. A grade
June 22nd, 2008Yep.Not even 1 payment made on Prosper 2nd best(supposed) credit grade.
$25000 that lenders will lose.