Prosper co-founder John Witchel arrested on felony charge
August 1st, 2008Thats right John Witchel arrested!
STANFORD -- Stanford police have arrested a student on felony charges
stemming from a smokebomb incident that disrupted sorority "rush" week in
April, investigators said.
John Brown Witchel, 23, a senior majoring in political science, admitted
to making the incendiary devices after police linked him to the crime through
credit card receipts, Sgt. Rick Tipton said. 06/11/91
Prosper churns 1.1 million in loans the last 2 days of July
August 1st, 2008I was right.Prosper is cranking out loans to the tune of
1.1 million in the final 2 days of July.184 loans approved in those 2 days.How many of those were verified?
Is Prosper churning loans at the end of each month?
July 30th, 2008Lots of "pending review" loans get approved at the end of each month & some lenders are getting suspicious.
It's being discussed at in the lender tab
A loan worthy of your bid on Prosper
July 12th, 2008For those that read my blog know i'm not too fond of Prosper,but there's a lender moremoneymarK (also user name moremoneymarc $19,000 lent) Who's AA loan request for $4,000 is a very safe investment.
Prosper subterfuge sets new record
July 8th, 2008It's official.The 4+ late that Prosper refuses to sell now total 1,569 loans for a total of $8,932,765.All default debt sale loans combined before this only total 1,566 for a total of $7,500,815.
You would be correct if you think that Prosper is keeping these loans from refleting correctly in the default category so that new lenders won't see how bad the defaults really are.
Not to fear.There are 1104 late loans from late - 3months late waiting in the pipeline.
How can you still lend?
All statistics taken from website owned by Prosper