Just realized I had never posted to "Introductions"...
Stumbled across this forum back in December 2009 while researching Prosper and LendingClub to decide where to put a few hundred bucks as an experiment. I ended up choosing LendingClub, and have done fairly well there I suppose. Started in December 2009 with $510.38 of my own money and a LendingClub match of 64.62 (weird match at the time) for 23 loans. It has grown to over $760 and 44 issued/current; currently zero grace/lates. Over the last 4 years 47 loans have been paid in full and 7 have been charged off (one after only two payments).
I miss the days where one could type in relevant questions and actually receive a reply. Those canned questions offered are terrible, there's no way to ask a follow-up, institutional investing funds loans so quickly that there's no time for a reply before the loan is fully funded.