Loan_shark_74, one thing you might try on one of the machines that cannot get to LendingStats is:
Close all browser windows.
Start -> Run... -> Program: cmd (just cmd)
This opens a DOS, eh, Command, window (most likely with a C> prompt). Then issue the command:
ipconfig /flushdns
This will take a couple of seconds. Then you can either type EXIT or close the window.
Then start the browser and try to get to
http://www.lendingstats.comIf you are still having problems, you might try a different DNS server unless you have a compelling reason to not change it. For example, I stopped using my Interent Provider's DNS server and have switched over to OpenDNS: as my DNS server and alternate DNS server. (I didn't sign up for an account; just use the DNS part.) Instructions are found by clicking on the "Get Started" button on the OpenDNS main page. (PS: I recommend jotting down settings before making changes.)
Please let us know what you tried and what worked and what didn't work.
Thank you!