3 fake listings on the homepage, when you click on them, they take you to all the actual listings (every active listing on the site, since the default filter is E or greater). If you click on one particular loan you're interested in, they're hoping you'll forget what you clicked on or are too slow to realize they didn't take you to that result.
bait & switch all the way
Clearly, you were not around when certain listings used to be "featured". This created an enormous headache, as everyone wanted to know how to get their listing "featured". Being on the homepage would be an even more unfair advantage to certain borrowers, so, they simply illustrated it, and made it rather plain via languae like "Click here for view all
live listings" or whatever that if you wanted to see current inventory, *click*.
Why you think this is a problem is beyond me - but I'l note that .org has a similar psychological dynamic since some people want certain posts to be "featured" on the .org homepage (ie, in public, in the lobby) - and that creates an enormous amount of pointless/profitless drama in this forum.